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How To Make Your Business PowerPoint Presentation More Creative. Business PowerPoint presentations require a formidable investment of time and talent. Even if you’ve worked on business presentations before, it could be hard to come up with something creative and original.
By taking advantage of a variety of tools offered by PowerPoint, you can add creativity to the appearance of your next presentation. The below tips can help you get more creative with the content.
Entertainment is the key to a successful presentation. If you want your audience to stay focused on what you are saying, tell a story. Cold hard facts are nice, and they do make an impression, but designing a presentation using solely facts is downright boring.
Ideally, you should incorporate the information you want to share in a story. You may leave the facts on the slides, but add a story verbally. This way you are bound to catch the audience’s attention and keep it for the duration of the presentation.
While you are pouring information onto your audience, you need to give it a break. The best way to make a pause without turning the listener’s attention away from what you are sharing is to ask a question.
A question disrupts the rhythm of a presentation, allowing the audience to take a breath. Meanwhile, answering a question (even silently) helps the listeners participate in the presentation rather than follow it passively.
Images, GIFs, and videos are an important part of any presentation. According to experts at PresentationGeeks, they don’t just help the audience grasp the information, they bring relaxation and humor into the picture.
PowerPoint offers a number of tools to help you add images and other media in the most convenient manner possible.
However, you have to avoid stuffing too many images into the presentation. This can have a reverse effect and lead to losing the audience’s attention.
You don’t have to be a stand-up comedian to add humor to your presentation. Meanwhile, without a bit of humor, your performance is likely to be boring. Listeners need a short break to relax and reload their attention span. Humor is an excellent way to do it.
If you can’t come up with good jokes on your own, you can either ask someone for advice or use humorous GIFs. They can turn your business presentation into something memorable and change the way your audience perceives you.
Whatever you do, don’t read the slides. The audience views each presenter as an entertainer. Have you ever seen actors reading the script on stage? If you read from your slides, you need to turn away from the audience, which leads to the loss of focus.
If you can’t memorize the presentation, use notes, which aren’t visible to the audience. Keep the slides as short as possible. They should emphasize the point you are making, not to be that point.
One of the best ways to catch the audience’s attention is to help it identify with you. As an expert in your field, you shouldn’t have trouble making personal examples. If you can’t come up with enough to make a presentation, ask around.
Meanwhile, show the audience how your solution can benefit it personally. Tell a story of someone in a situation similar to theirs, who took advantage of your solution and reaped the benefits.
In order to do that, you need to have a good idea of who your target audience is and what problems it needs to solve.
Making a creative business presentation is easier than you think. All you have to do is add more visuals, personal stories, and examples. Cut the amount of information you share on the slide and offer it verbally.
By Maria Victoria MacAraig – Contributor | 02/07/2019
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